However, what do Ukrainians, particularly the military, think about such forecasts? A report on this was shared on January 30 by the American channel CBS.

During the report's preparation, renowned military journalist Holly Williams met with the commander of the GUR MOU special unit "Artan," Titan (Viktor Torkotyuk), directly in the combat zone. The exact location of the scouts' operations is not specified, but in December 2024, the "Artan" forces were securing the defense of certain positions in the Zaporizhzhia direction.

When asked by the reporter if Ukraine is ready to continue the fight against the aggressor, assuming that the volume of Western arms supplies might decrease, the special forces commander replied:

“I and my men will continue the fight, even if there is no weapon.”

In the report from the frontline, the journalist emphasized the high level of training among Ukrainian GUR special forces, the modern weaponry, and the effectiveness of the sabotage operations in which the "Artan" fighters specialize.

At the same time, the report notes that after three years of the great war, the readiness of Ukrainian society for certain forms of negotiations with the aggressor country has slightly increased. However, the question of clear conditions for such peace and security guarantees remains paramount.