According to sources within Ukrainian intelligence, a cyberattack specifically targeted the servers of the arbitration court in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.
The attack resulted in the destruction of over 80 TB of data across 15 servers and workstations, including databases, software systems, accounting records, personnel files, backups, audio and video recordings of court sessions, the "arbitration proceedings" system, and various other resources.
Additionally, hackers from the group sent out more than 50,000 emails from official court email addresses to government institutions, arbitration courts, and representatives of major Russian businesses.
Furthermore, the printing of these emails in hard copy was remotely initiated on the courts' printers.
In these emails, Ukrainian cyber activists "congratulated" the occupiers and announced the inevitable return of the occupied territories under Ukraine's control. The messages also stated that anyone involved in war crimes against Ukraine would face deserved punishment. The correspondence concludes with the words, "Prepare: the wait won't be long."